User Research Report
For this TECM 5750 (Measuring Usability and User Experience for Professional and Technical Communication) project, I conducted a user study of customers for a new soda shop in my area. My purpose was to learn about current customers in order to target new customers. I wrote questions to determine characteristics, habits, needs, and preferences of the business’s customers. Then I developed a Qualtrics survey to gather data anonymously. I analyzed the results of each survey question to determine overall trends and findings. I then created a PowerPoint slide deck and presented my findings to the owners of the shop.
Fiiz Drinks is a new soda shop in Spring, TX. They have a faithful customer base but would like to increase their base and generate new business. I conducted a user study to determine characteristics of users, in this case customers of Fiiz Drinks and users of their technology (website, app, and social media accounts).
Project Skills
Technical Skills
Qualtrics XM Platform
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Conceptual Skills
Survey design and best practices
Participant selection/Recruitment guidelines
“Definition of done”
Analyzing quantitative and qualitative data
Writing survey questions
I met with the owners of Fiiz Drinks, Spring TX to determine what kinds of information they want to know about their customers. With their approval, I wrote demographic questions as well as questions about customers’ habits and preferences as Fiiz Customers. I also wrote questions about customers’ use of technology, specifically the Fiiz website, app, and Instagram account.
Recruiting respondents
The survey was distributed to Fiiz Drinks customers in two ways. First, I distributed a link to the survey via a Facebook group for a neighborhood near the shop and to personal acquaintances who are customers. Second, I placed a sign with a QR code inviting customers in the shop to take the survey. I asked employees to encourage their customers to take the survey. A total of 76 respondents completed the survey, which met my definition of done.
Analyzing results
With the help of Qualtrics’ built in data compilation tool, I was able to analyze data for each survey question. I used Microsoft Excel to create charts and graphs describing the findings in three categories: demographic characteristics, habits and preferences of customers, and customers’ use of technology.
Reporting findings
For each category (demographic characteristics, habits and preferences, and use of technology), I compiled a summary overview of findings. I also prepared graphic representations of the data from each quantitative survey question using Canva and other tools.
My user study benefitted Fiiz Drinks by providing valuable insights into their customers’ preferences and habits. Based on the results of my study, they should implement the following:
- Target future customers with the same demographics as current customers (primarily middle-aged women who live less than 5 miles from the shop).
- Continue delivering the services that cause customers to choose Fiiz (drink selections/flavors, personal relationships with the owners, and the vibe/ambiance of the shop).
- Boost marketing strategy for the Fiiz app. My study found customers were more likely to have apps for other restaurants than for Fiiz, and many weren’t aware there is a Fiiz app.
- Boost marketing for Fiiz’s Instagram accounts. Many customers are unaware of Fiiz’s Instagram accounts.
- Increase social media presence and frequency of postings. Fiiz customers tend to visit infrequently, with most visiting monthly or less. Increased social media presence could generate more frequent visits and also bring new customers to Fiiz Drinks.
- Optimize the website for smartphone viewing. Most customers who use the website access it on a smartphone.
By implementing these findings of my user study, Fiiz Drinks can
- increase customer base and revenue
- increase frequency of customer visits
- target advertising and marketing dollars
- focus menu offerings